50 Shades of Grey & Fanfic

April 7, 2012

CNN ran an article Friday placing the popularity of  50 Shades of Grey within an erotic fanfic context (the book grew out of what was originally a Twilight fanfic story). The article mentions the predominance of gay and lesbian fanfic, written, according to Dr. Francesca Coppa of Muhlenberg College, because in fanfic’s early ’60s-’70s heyday,…

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Yaoi, Amazon, and Sex

March 16, 2012
Yaoi, Amazon, and Sex

Yesterday, Digital Manga Publishing announced that its publications have been suspended from the Kindle publishing platform for violation of Kindle’s prohibition against “Pornography and hard-core material that depicts graphic sexual acts,” according to DMP, presumably a result of DMP’s yaoi manga. (A warning that this was coming was first released via tweet on Feb. 22.)…

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The Persistence of Ukiyo

March 6, 2012
The Persistence of Ukiyo

Un des premiers objets de la discipline, c’est de fixer; elle est un procédé d’anti-nomadisme. One of the first objects of a discipline is to fix. It is a product of anti-nomadism. —Michel Foucault, Surveiller et punir, p. 254 Arriving at Edo by boat on the Sumida River, on his way to the kabuki, the…

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On Defining M/M Romance

February 20, 2012

What is male/male romance, and how is it different from gay romance? That’s a question I’ll be tackling as part of my research agenda for the next year. In the past, I’ve tentatively defined the male/male romance as a narrative that focuses on the romance between two or more men that has been written by…

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Notes on Plum and Willow in Bashō and Moronobu

January 9, 2012
Notes on Plum and Willow in Bashō and Moronobu

The idea of bishōnen (beautiful boy) as object of erotic desire has been present since at least the beginnings of the Japanese language. The poetic anthology Kokinshū (c. 905), which some consider the first authentically Japanese-language literary work, the war tale Heike monogatari (c. 13 century), chigo (acolyte) scrolls, and many other works from early…

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